Shipment Tracking

Shipment tracking features have been revised to provide more detailed information about orders after they’ve left the factory.


Page Overview

On the Shipment Tracking page you can view shipment, package, and item information for My Sales orders. This page is only available for orders with shipments that have left the factory; that is for orders with a Left the Factory, Arrived at Carrier or Delivered status. Access the Shipment Tracking page by clicking on the Track It! button that appears in the order on the Party History page.




Page Descriptions


Shipment Info

Notice that Party Shipments (shipments sent to the Consultant or party host) and Customer-direct-Shipments are listed separately. At the top of each segment the Consultant or host name, address, and contact information are displayed.

Click on the Order Contents link to see a breakdown of each order included within the shipments. This page can conveniently be printed and can be used as checklist when unpacking orders. 


Package Info

For each box/package within the shipment, you can view the Package ID#, Box#, Tracking# (if applicable), Ship Date, Box Status, Delivery Date and the Carrier. A description of each field is listed below. Using the checkboxes and the Track Selected Boxes button, users can track multiple packages. This displays additional tracking information on the shipment carrier’s website.



Package Info


Packing List /

Package ID

The column displays the unique Package ID# for each box. Click on the Package ID# to display the Packing List, which is an itemized list of items included within the box.

Note: For Canadian shipments, a single packing list itemizes all products ordered. There is no breakdown by box.

Box #

This highlights the # of boxes shipped so far and the order in which they were shipped.

Tracking #

Tracking #’s are used to follow the progress of the individual boxes with the shipment carrier. Click on the tracking number visit to the shipment carrier’s website for tracking the individual package.

Note: Although a tracking number may be provided immediately after a box has left the factory, actual tracking capabilities will not be available until the package has been received and scanned by the shipment carrier. In some cases, especially for boxes being shipped to the west coast, this may not occur until after 3 business days from the ship date. Also note that tracking information is not available for all shipment carriers.

(Box) Status

Box Status provides a summary of the current shipment status for each box, based on tracking information provided by the shipment carrier. Hover over the Box status to display additional information provided by the shipment carrier.

Note: Tracking information is not available for all carriers. See Box Statuses for details.

Ship Date

This indicates the date the box left the (Tupperware) factory.

Delivery Date

This specifies the date the box was delivered.

Note: For boxes shipped with carriers that do not provide tracking information, this date will be approximated.


This identifies the shipment carrier used.


Item Info

The Shipment Tracking page now provides a summary of Items Shipped vs Items Not Shipped. This is itemization is displayed below the each (Party and Customer-Direct) shipment. Click on the + symbol next to the section heading to expand to full view.


Items Shipped — Lists the Item number, description, and quantities of all items that have shipped so far.



Items Not Shipped — Identifies backordered items and other items have not yet been shipped. Backordered items will include an estimated available date, while the remaining items generally are expected to ship soon.